Six years ago, I walked out of the clinic with tears streaming down my face after my first Mama Bear transformation; almost not recognizing who I was anymore but simultaneously confident I liked this new me more than I could have ever imagined.

It had been my heart’s desire and passion to serve as a therapist since I was 12-year-old. I obtained the title physical therapist first: almost an entire decade before I earned the title mom.

This parenting journey has been winding and unpredictable more often than not. While 30-year-old me could not have imagined a day where I would willingly walk away from working in a clinic setting, the last six years has been a transformation as significant as metamorphosis.

The emergence of the Mama Bear has served to push past my own fears and to be a voice, advocate, and protector for my children.

Well that baby that changed my world is now a boy; A boy who has entered the world of academia. I have feared this transition the most because of the loss of play in schools, the highly structured yet not developmentally appropriate structure that is now kindergarten in America. We have forgotten a vital classroom: Recess.

Rev Up Recess was born to be the Mama Bear for all kids: to protect play in our schools and communities. A place that recognizes the power of parents and teachers working together for a better world for our kids.

We currently have a reality gap between best practices and our public-school model. Rev Up Recess is ready to bring the science to the classroom and a voice for the children, and while we are at it, beautiful play spaces that include children of all abilities.

You can Join the Movement to support more free play in your community by following us on Facebook, starting conversations, or letting your kids play outside in predefined, “Yes Spaces”.